Friday, December 7, 2012

Dec. 3rd.- 7th

this week we talked about divorce and remarriage.  I thought this was very interesting because it showed me how negative the effect it really does have on the family especially if there are kids.  Also I thought it was very interesting that 70% of people that do get divorced regret doing so 2 years after the divorce.  Also I really liked when we talked about what president Kimball said about having a successful marriage.  He said there are four key things to having a successful marriage.  1. careful selection 2. great unselfishness 3. continued courtship   4.  keep the commandments.
Nov. 26th- 30th

This week we discussed parenting.  I thought the main thing that was interesting about this was the fact that most of all you need to spend time with your kids.  If you are not around a lot and have lots of conversations with them on a regular basis then if a problem comes up in their life they wont feel comfortable coming to you to talk about it if they are not used to having conversations with you.  So I need to spend lots of quality time with my kids.  Also I thought it was interesting the 3 things that kids need.  First they need cooperation, then respect, and lastly responsibility.
Nov. 19th- 24th

this week we talked a lot about fathers and their roll in financial stability in the home.  I thought that the statistics that we talked about in class about the importance of having in the father in the home being the provider was the key to keeping a family out of poverty.  This made me realize the important roll that I will have in my home to make sure to be a good provider for my family.  Also this makes me realize that I need to raise my boys explaining to them the importance of taking responsibility and providing in the home and not leaving that up to the wife.
Nov. 12th- 19th

This week we talked a lot about communication in the family.  We talked about how much of communication is expressed through body language tone and the actual words.  I found it very interesting that over 50% of communication is done through body language and like 40% through your tone and that only 10% is actually expressed from the words that you say.  This made me realize that it will be very important to make sure that me and my wife will be able to communicate well.  This means we will need to understand each others body language when speaking and also the tone we use so that we do not misunderstand or assume anything.  I think if my wife and I will be able to develop our communication in this way we will be a lot happier.
Nov. 5th- 9th

This week we discussed family stress and crises.  I thought this was very interesting and had not thought too much about it before this week.  Mainly the idea that when a Crisis happens in a the life of a family it isn't the actual event that shapes the family into who they are.  So many families refer to an event that happened in their family live that made a situation the way it is whether it be negative or positive.  But in reality it is all about the communication that the family has throughout the crisis and them deciding how they are going to respond to the event that just occured
Oct. 29th- Nov. 2

This week we talked a lot about sexual intimacy and also fidelity in marriage.  The main thing that stood out to me as we discussed this topic this week was the fact of not keeping score between the couple.  For example well I did the dishes last night so you do them now or well I gave you a back rub the other night so give me one now etc.  I thought that this was really important because by not keeping score it shows your spouse that you do everything you do for them because you love them and care about them and not because I want something in return and that was the only reason that I did it.
Oct. 22nd-26th

This week we talked a lot about what adjustments you make once you do get married.  I thought this was very interesting because I am going to be getting married soon so this will be very applicable to me.  The main thing that I thought was really interesting was the fact of learning to set boundaries.  The boundaries between my spouse and I, which should be very open of course and then the boundary that should be around us as a couple to everyone else that we keep in contact with.  The fact that some things shouldn't be discussed about with others when it is an issue between me and my spouse I thought was very important.  Also the fact that there needs to be a proper boundary between my parents and her parents involvement in the relationship.  I am not going to live with either my parents or my spouses parents after I get married!